Show Notes

In this episode Debbie is joined by Karina and Nicole from SDA Consulting Australia.

Karina and Nicole discuss the roles of an SDA Provider as a Disability Property Manager. Nicole is a Property manager with over 18 years experience so she looks at the process very much from the property management perspective.

They discuss the modifications and additional requirements needed by individual participants over and above the standard provisions in the property. A lot of these modifications may need to be paid for by the property owner, particularly if they wish to secure a particular participant as a tenant, however, some additions are funded by the SILs or can be funded through the participant's plan.

They discuss the fact that all SDA-funded participants have to fit into one of 4 broad SDA categories and given the vastly different needs and requirements each individual will have, it is understandable that additional modifications might be needed to ensure the home is suitable for the participant's needs.

The ladies also discuss the SDA property certification and enrollment process to ensure a property is registered with the NDIA and is ready to be tenanted by NDIS Participants as well as the sourcing of participants and the various stakeholders involved in assessing the home for suitability and any modifications required, along with participant matching for multi-tenant homes.

The potential vs. actual incomes a property owner may receive are discussed regarding the funding that a participant has as opposed to the funding level that the dwelling has been enrolled for.

The challenges for everyone involved are covered from funding levels, expectations of income by owners, separation of supports and communication between the various stakeholders.

Karina and Nicole finish up by explaining the amazing difference to a participant's life that moving into an SDA home can result in - which at the end of the day is the primary reason for Specialist Disability Accommodation.

It is our goal to see Participants with high-needs disabilities being appropriately housed in accommodation that is right for them. Purpose-built homes promote opportunities for social and economic participation, enhance self-determination, and create conditions for Participants to lead vibrant, safe, and independent lives.

Please feel free to call us at 1300254397 to talk to one of our friendly staff, otherwise, just pop on over to our website to find out more info on

Information contained in this podcast is general in nature only. It does not take into account the objectives, financial situation, or needs of any particular person. You need to consider your financial situation and needs before making any decisions based on this information and should seek independent and professional advice for your personal circumstances.

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