Show Notes


"How does the recent SDA Price changes, affect SDA Providers?"

Our team recently met up in a video studio in Brisbane with Tania Gomez, from Tania Gomez Consulting (TGC) to talk about many things SDA individually and as a group, in a film setting environment. One of these video recordings was the final session with Tania,  Minh, and Dan Acfield, from Everhomes. This episode is the audio of that final video session filmed. This podcast is the audio of that final filmed session, and is primarily about the recent changes to SDA Pricing which affects SDA Providers. 

You may recall our recent podcast  episode where Debbie was interviewed in another show, called 'The Profitable NDIS Provider Podcast'. We also did a massive Provider networking event together with Tania in Brisbane in early July, just to celebrate all the hard work that Poviders do in the NDIS community. It always great to meet both of these experts in the NDIS share the speakers circuit at events and conferences across Australia in this SDA space. Both Dan and Jessica have been repeat speakers on our show, and we look forward to collaborating more with them in the future. 

For more information about each of the 3 featured speakers, please refer to the websites below:


It is our goal to see Participants with high-needs disabilities being appropriately housed in accommodation that is right for them. Purpose-built homes promote opportunities for social and economic participation, enhance self-determination, and create conditions for Participants to lead vibrant, safe, and independent lives.

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Information contained in this podcast is general in nature only. It does not take into account the objectives, financial situation, or needs of any particular person. You need to consider your financial situation and needs before making any decisions based on this information and should seek independent and professional advice for your personal circumstances.

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